Cancer Secrets University

Knowledge is POWER
Empower yourself with cutting-edge information you won’t find anywhere else.

Established by Dr. Jonathan Stegall, a globally recognized oncologist with over 10 years of experience in practicing and researching integrative cancer therapies – Cancer Secrets University offers a comprehensive VIDEO ON DEMAND COACHING PROGRAM to empower cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors with the latest weapons in the fight against cancer – so they can easily choose the correct course of action.

Video Course Content

5 Modules | 40 Video Lessons | 6 Bonus Lessons


Foundations of Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and will soon overtake heart disease as the #1 killer.

➤  101: What is Cancer

➤  102: Why You Have Cancer

➤  103: The Standard of Care, and Why You Should Care

➤  104: What They Aren’t Telling You


Getting Started

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and will soon overtake heart disease as the #1 killer.

➤  201: Principles of Integrative Oncology

➤  202: Assembling Your Treatment Team

➤  203: Your Support System

➤  204: Mindset


Medical Therapies

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and will soon overtake heart disease as the #1 killer.

➤  301: Diagnostics – Biopsies and Imaging

➤  302: Lab Testing

➤  303: Surgery

➤  304: Chemotherapy

➤  305: Radiation Therapy

➤  306: Hormonal Therapy

➤  307: Immunotherapy

➤  308: Clinical Trials

➤  309: Repurposing Medications


Natural Therapies

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and will soon overtake heart disease as the #1 killer.

➤  401: Nutrition

➤  402: Supplementation

➤  403: IV Vitamin C

➤  404: Mistletoe

➤  405: Infrared Sauna

➤  406: Oxygen Therapies

➤  407: Lymphatic Therapy

➤  408: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

➤  409: Photodynamic Therapy


Your Environment

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and will soon overtake heart disease as the #1 killer.

➤  501: Your Home

➤  502: Your Office

➤  503: Your Family and Friends

➤  504: Stress

➤  504: Stress

➤  506: Prayer and Meditation

Bonus Modules


➤ Putting Together Your
Nutrition Plan

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➤ Dr. Stegall’s Favorite Supplements

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➤ Lab Interpretation Guide

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➤ Plant-Based Recipes

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➤ Writing Your Personal Daily Confessions

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➤ Myths and Conspiracy Theories You Shouldn’t Believe

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